Technical Knowledge based trainings

PGI offers a broad range of technical knowledge based trainings, indicatively covering the following subject areas:
Business Management
-Marketing & Sales Strategy
-Human Resources Management
-Change Management
Information & Communication Technologies
-IT Governance
-IT Service Management
-Information Security Management
Project & Contract Management
– Preparing for the PMP & CAMP Certification Examination
– Management and the Organization: The concept of the PMO
– Project Planning with WBS
– Contract Management
Financing Projects
-Winning and Implementing PPP Projects
-Project Finance

Leadership Development & Capacity building (LDCB)

PGI offers cutting-edge leadership development and capability building services, with a view of enabling client executives and staff to effectively drive business development and innovation within their organizations.
In this domain, our services are mainly provided in the form of training activities, focused on selected subject areas, which have been defined on the basis of multiple criteria, such as relevance to leadership and cutting-edge issues of global interest.
We provide an integrated learning experience, which is carefully designed and customized to the …

SMEs Development Support

SMEs in Cyprus generate approximately three quarters of the value added of the non-financial business economy, compared with an average EU share of 58%. SMEs also provide 83 % of jobs in the non-financial business economy compared with an EU average. Accommodation and food services and the wholesale and retail trade play a more significant role for SMEs than in the rest of Europe. Their combined share of SME value added is 44 %, compared with the EU average …

Regional Strategy & Policy Development

PGI assists governments at central and regional level in economic and social policy development in various sectors.
Elaboration of fully fledged smart specialization strategies constitutes the cornerstone of PGI services, including operational planning and technical support for their implementation.
Services provided by PLANET PGI include:
• Analysis of the overall context and productive & operating environment, including regional economy and entrepreneurial dynamics, sectors and industries, export performance – potential & emerging technologies, human capital – innovation potential & skills for knowledge based development, …

Training Delivery

In PGI we believe that the most valuable capital of each company in today’s rapidly changing business world in order to be competitive it is essential for each organization that its people constantly develop and upgrade their knowledge and skills. That is why, based on its experience and lessons-learned in long standing successful business practice, we developed the training delivery service, including:
• Identification of training needs and design of training programs
• Delivering seminars and training programs
• Implementation of training actions …

Programme Definition and Planning

Programme definition and planning involves setting out a strategy for the programme’s contribution to the Union and National strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth consistent with the relative funding rules.
In this context PLANET provides the following services:

Strategic planning of EU funded sectorial and regional Operational Programmes (OPs)
Ex-ante evaluations to improve the quality of the design of the programme, incorporating, where appropriate, a Strategic Environmental Assessment
Formulation of Integrated Plans for Sustainable Urban Development
Design of management and control systems to ensure …

Co-funded Private Investments Screening

These services address the needs of private enterprises to plan their investment strategy and gain access to EU funding sources for implementing projects necessary to improve their competitiveness and ensure their viability. Towards this end, PGI provides consulting services to both investors and financial institutions involved in such processes.
Specifically, services addressed to Investors include:

Project Definition and Funding

Investment project structuring
Analysis of funding sources (grants, equity, loans) and opportunities
Feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis

Project Planning

Investment project detailed planning
Project Management structure
Procurement strategy
Application …

Programme Evaluation

Evaluations have to be carried out to improve the quality of the design and implementation of programmes, as well as to assess their effectiveness, efficiency and impact.
In this context PLANET provides the following services:

On-going evaluation to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the programme
Ex- post evaluation to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of EU funding and the contribution of the programme to the Union and National strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Development Consulting

These services address the needs of private enterprises to plan their investment strategy and gain access to EU funding sources for implementing projects necessary to improve their competitiveness and ensure their viability. Towards this end, PLANET Albania provides consulting services to both investors and financial institutions involved in such processes.
Specifically, services addressed to Investors include:
– Project Definition and Funding
– Investment project structuring

Development Consulting

PGI assists governments at central and regional level in economic and social policy development in various sectors.
Services provided by PGI include:

Analysis of disparities, development needs and growth potential
Identification of priorities
Setting of targets and policy lines within these priorities to minimise disparities, cover development needs and exploit the growth potential
Capacity building and institutional strengthening to support the adoption of new policies/ strategies.